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Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
NAS410 compliant FAA certified commercial NDT program
The Fluorescent Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) line application station is equipped with a Rensburg 9040 electrostatic cascade coating system meets ASTM E1417 and ASTM E165 standards. The rinse station is equipped with the best technology in LED black lighting.
Our Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) line features two calibrated Fluorescent Magnetic Particle Inspection benches, adhering to ASTM E1444 and ASTM E709 standards.
Rensburg 9040 electrostatic coating system and a final inspection station with a Magnaflux EV6000 handheld black light and a Magwerks Ultra black 400SA unit.

FAA Certified
Nondestructive Testing Services
NDT: Magnetic Particle and Liquid Penetrant Testing
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